
Darfur, Sudan is a poor place in our world. In this region their are things happening that very well should not be happening. Many people are being tortured, murdered, raped, and they cannot do anything about it. The issue in Darfur began in February 2003. As the United States government describes the conflict as a genocide, the UN says that the mass murders and rapes of Darfurian civilians could not be labeled as a genocide. There were 10 war crimes against Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir, charges that include three counts of genocide, 5 of crimes against humanity, and 2 of murder.
Abu Asal, a published Arabic-language navelist from Western Darfur now living in Massachusetts, was arrested and beaten by Sudanese government for protesting the mistreatment of Darfuris, and was eventually forced to flee Sudan.

Terror in Darfur

Janjaweed- mostly armed gunmen in Darfur, western Sudan, and now eastern Chad. They are armed Partisans drawn from Darfurian and Arabic-speaking tribes that became notorious for alleged massacre, rape, forced displacement, and torture. It was estimated that they killed 200,000-400,000 civilians over the previous three years.They are currently in conflict with Darfur rebel groups — the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Justice and Equality Movement.